
Monday, March 5, 2018


We're going to Disney in 2 weeks to take advantage of the Flower and Garden Festival at Epcot. Note: I am planning to get drunk and stay that way for at least 3 weeks. In the interim, medical marijuana is helping me to cope.

My stash, in the form of edibles (sublingual drops). You can hate me now.

At first I hated it because it is certainly different than alcohol. The last time I visited the marijuana store, the lady told me it takes time to figure out what works/find the right combination. She said, "You have to be your own chemist." So I've been easing in with CBD/Hemp oil, then CBD/High THC (small amounts), then toying with my daytime Sativa hybrid, and finally starting to use the Indica I got sick on (taking half the dose now). I've had mixed results, both good and not-so-good, but it *is* keeping me off the booze, which I am eternally grateful for. The less I drink, the better it is. I've been sober all year (64 days)! I've also lost a total of 6 lbs. in the New Year! Despite all these pluses, I am borderline, doom-and-gloom, drowning in fear. But that is my normal state while not partaking. I don't know if I'll ever escape...

Speaking of escaping... listening to this new tune by Smooth McGroove (while the Indica starts to tingle me) is a nice trip...

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