
Friday, December 22, 2017


I just returned a phone call to someone I thought was from the AAPC where I just completed a coding course. Turns out it was my instructor from Sheridan Technical School from 2 years ago doing a survey from students who left the school (I signed up for coding back in Jan. 2016, but dropped out a week later due to the confusion and incompetence I witnessed in their program). I *really* did not want to have to reopen that chapter in my life. It was very uncomfortable having to explain why I left. I assume collecting feedback is part of her job for the program, but she seemed very annoyed with my answers and then the call "dropped" mysteriously about halfway through. The part that is really bothering me is when she asked if the AAPC had a job placement resource for graduates. I don't know if they do, but it made me feel weird as I am planning to go into the field all by myself with just my title (CPC) to show for it.

I've been trying to relax these last few days in 2017 and not think about work or school and this phone call just brought the anxiety I've been holding at bay back in my face and joints and heart and gut. *ugh*

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