
Tuesday, January 2, 2018


I'm very upset right now. I just saw a comment posted on an article about gaming addiction as a mental disorder, and the attacker bringing up the true mental disorder of "people who won't accept their gender." I get very hurt and sad when I see people online carelessly belittling the LGBTQ community. What do they get out of it? Is it truly that rewarding to be hateful to people who are different than you? Does this person know any transgender people? Does he have any transgender family members, friends, or coworkers? Is he a doctor? Does he think gay people are mentally ill as well? Is that what Jesus whispered in his ear? I decided to not even reply to his comment, because I've found it's a waste of time to argue with people who have that much callousness in their heart that they have to shit on minorities. I know in the age of Dump, trolls feel more comfortable than ever coming out of their caves and drooling their useless diatribes at people online. Sure they were always there, but now, thanks to their leader, they're emboldened. It sickens me. Why leave a hateful comment? Especially to a group that has the highest suicide rate amongst teens? What if a transgender youth were to read that (and 2 people liked the comment to boot!)? I just don't get it. It takes time and energy to say something like that on a public forum--just as much time and energy it would take to say something nice and uplifting.

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