
Monday, May 14, 2018


So I just saw that Margot Kidder, famous for her role as Lois Lane in the Superman movies from the 70s/80s, passed away on Sunday. Something peculiar happened to me either last night or the night before (I can't recall which evening it occurred). I was lying in bed, trying to get to sleep after having some of my medical marijuana. I've been taking stronger doses the past few days to help me sleep better. As I was lying there, my mind started to wander as it does when I am trying to fall asleep. Occasionally the medical marijuana will cause my thoughts to wander even more than usual, and in unexpected ways. So on this night the Superman movies popped in my head: I thought about Christoper Reeve as Superman, and Margot Kidder as Lois Lane. I remembered watching those movies as a kid and was so enthralled with their relationship--how he always made sure she was safe; how he'd swoop down from the sky to rescue her from dangerous situations. I remembered  the chemistry of their kisses. I also thought what a shame it was that Christopher Reeve had died so young and so tragically, and even wondered if "Lois Lane" was still alive.

So it was very eerie seeing her in the news today, and learning of her death. May she rest in peace.

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