
Tuesday, June 30, 2020


So as time goes by, I start to realize more and more that people will hurt me. It doesn't matter who it is, or even if they've never hurt me—at some point, they will. At some point, their love for me will become tainted, as well as my love for them. Because, you see, love is an idea man has encapsulated in its existence. Why? I think it's to give man something to cling to in this cold, desolate wasteland we call life. After all, studies have shown that being "in love" is equivalent chemically to doing drugs. The problem with this, is that eventually "love" fades away. The reason is because our brains are not equipped to being in a drug euphoria all the time. Our brains need breaks from those crazy neurons firing all over the place. So in between these breaks we rest, we regroup, and then we have something even better: Hope. Hope that one day we will feel that high again. Sure, we might never feel it again with our current partner, but if we dream hard enough we'll find something (someone) even better. And that person will set our brain chemistry off to an even more fervent fireworks show.

The thing with me is that I've given up on those drug-induced highs. I don't drink anymore. I don't even desire anymore. I had sex the other night and it meant absolutely nothing to me. And I don't care to search for someone that could make me feel desire again. To me, desire is nothing but a ploy to let one's senses down, to the point where one surrenders all their dignity and trust. But as time has shown over and over, once you do this... once you allow another human to see you in your rawest self, they will almost certainly recoil from you. Unconditional love is something talked about a lot in humanity. Hell, it's put into ballads, written into poetry, performed on thousands of stages. I think we have to do this in order to keep believing in it. But it's a lie. Sure, you can love someone or something with all your heart and soul. But who is to say that love will remain the same? People don't remain the same.

No, the only place one can find true unconditional love is with four-legged creatures, and by that you must know I mean animals. Now these little buggers will truly stay true to you no matter what side of yourself you show them. They will not judge you, or put you in a box, or demand you do tricks to keep their love. None of that is necessary. They will comfort you when you cry, get excited when you feel joy, and never leave your side when you are at your utter worst. I, unfortunately, cannot say the same for the human race. No, as humans we are always thinking of Numero Uno. Even those that seem altruistic (and I'm not debating that they are not) will often do good deeds for the sole purpose in that it gives themselves pleasure. So, in essence, they are pleasing themselves; otherwise they wouldn't do it in the first place.

I know this viewpoint might come off as dark, or morbid. I prefer to see it as pragmatic. If people still want to lie to themselves, and tell themselves (and the world) that they are truly happy and in love, perhaps they are. And if it doesn't last, they'll just go right on to the next person (or thing). Distractions are powerful things if you know how to employ them properly. I used to. But now I've lost that technique.

Like Hansel and Gretel, my words are breadcrumbs that lead to mortality.

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